It’s been several years since I lost my first tripod, Honey, she was an awesome cat. I still have Sully, Tripawd kitty, and Teddy, my one eyed kitty and I just added a Tripawd puppy to my house. He’s a little darling thing with ears that express every range of his emotions.

As a quick recap, Sully and Ted are fine. Teddy still has his issues and health weaknesses and I don’t expect him to survive for another year, but he’s still happy. Sully is normal kitty, he really is kinda a ”typical” cat type of personality. To introduce myself, I am Kelly, and I share my house with my mom. Between the two of us we have 6 cats and 3 dogs. In February of this year I lost my dog to prostate cancer, the other two dogs are moms so I was wanting one of my own. I’ve never had a “lap dog” of my own as I’ve always had bigger dogs that think they are lap dogs. Mom has a little terrier mix,

Daisy, that we got through a rescue that took her out of a kill shelter. Takoda is a Collie/Cocker mix that was sibling to my dog Pardner that passed.
Anyway, enough rambling. I have returned to this site to introduce the newest member of our household. A couple weeks after Pard passed I was wanting a dog so I started browsing petfinder. I work night shift and sometimes at work I have time to brows the internet. One day while sleeping I had a dream that I was holding a little brown dog that was missing his left front leg. That night while on petfinder I came across a little brown dog missing his left front leg. I think I scared my coworker because I gasped so loudly, it was the dog I had dreamed of. Of course I put in the application immediately. I went through the rescues photos and learned that he had been found in mid-December as a 4-6 week old puppy with his paw crushed. It took them 2 months to get him healed and healthy enough to amputate, they amputated the same day I had put my dog down.
As rescues are they were busy and it took a few weeks to get approved but the petfinder profile had said he would come up to my area in April, with no specific date. I needed to take some time off from work so, gambling, I took 2 weeks off in the middle of April. Fortunately we were able to schedule transport for late March.
He’s been here 3 weeks now and has settled in expertly. I’ve named him Joey because he looks like a baby kangaroo. He’s a clever, cuddly, pesky little doll who is just now learning how to be a puppy.

OOOOMMMMDDDD! What a treat to hear from you!!!
I’m sorry your sweet biddy dog Pard had to head to the Rainbow Bridge. I know Honey was there to greet him though and it was a wonderful reunion!!
Sulky and Ted are soooo cute! Clearly they are Happy and loved!💕
And Takoda is absolutely adorable!! Ahe looks so snuggly and cuddly!
CONGRATULATIONS JOEY!!! YOU WIN THE PUPPY LOTTERY!!! He is soooodarn cute!!! And the way he chose you…the way Pard sent him to you…just blew me away!!! To have that dream…to his leg amputated the day Pard headed to the Bridge…..all of this was soooon. guided!!! So meant to be!!!
I can’t wait to follow Joey on his new life with you! I am soooo Happy for you😊
Hugs and love to all
Sally and Alumni Happy Hannah and Merry Myrtle and Frankie too!
Wooowwweee! Oh my gosh it’s good to hear from you and THANK YOU SO MUCH for becoming a supporter too. You have so much news to share, it’s good to catch up.
I’m really sorry about Pard. I don’t think I’ve ever known of a dog who had prostate cancer. Wow. That must have been tough. My condolences to you.
It’s great that Sully and Ted are hanging tough. Who knows, Teddy just might surprise you and stick around longer now that Joey is part of your family! Congratulations on adopting him. The story about your dream made me gasp too! It was clearly meant to be. He is soooo lucky to find his way to such a loving family. We are honored that you returned to share his life with us, and all the other critters, and can’t wait to follow along with all the adventures!